Topop Supari Cheel Unroasted 10 x 300gr
The bitter and salty taste of betel nut has made it a clear choice for eradicating bad breath and improving the oral health by making teeth sparkling white in appearance. Betel nut is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of bile disease, and in the treatment of diseases that are caused by phlegm, anemia and obesity. It is used extensively to increase passion, and is also used as an astringent. betel finds its commonest use in mouth freshner formulations in India through aegis. Its use has also been recommended in the prevention and treatment of obesity. It improves salivation (Sialagogue). Nutritional analysis of the nuts suggest it to be a richest source of organic chromium salts. The role of chromium in the metabolism of fat has been well established now through various studies.